Cookieless Targeting

     Let the Cookie Crumble

There is a recent shift away from using third-party cookie targeting for a variety of purposes, including privacy. Targeting Smart is and has been cookie adverse.

Addressing Targeting in the Cookieless World

COOKIECookieless tracking effectively focuses on user events instead of an anonymous identifier tied to certain interactions. Third-party cookies necessitate advertisers targeting users based on activity across websites. Cookieless tracking, on the other hand, is focused on the content of the websites users frequent.

What does a Cookieless future mean?

The cookieless future is a change in the digital world, as Google's planned elimination of third-party cookies in Chrome browsers 2024. This cookieless future is one in which marketers will have to increasingly rely on first-party data.
From day zero, Targeting Smart has built its solutions without relying on the use of cookies. this foresight has put us years ahead of our competitors as we continue to innovate for the future. 
For years, advertising agencies and major tech companies have relied on cookies to target consumers, but recently they’ve begun scrambling to phase cookies out because of the cookie’s inherent limitations and shortcomings.

The Cookieless World: It's not near, it's here.